Facial Surgery

Facial surgery is focused on specific features of the face. can help aid your natural appearance by focusing on specific features of the face.


About your face

The human face is a fundamental part of a person’s identity, the first thing people notice when meeting someone. Over time, your face undergoes changes that can be influenced by lifestyle and genetics. However, surgery can aid in smoothing your skin’s texture, reshaping underlying tissues, and removing excess tissue. Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, a specialist plastic surgeon in Melbourne, takes a personalised approach. His goal is to achieve results tailored to your unique requirements.

Facial Surgery

Facial Surgery involves a range of possible procedures. As we age, our facial tissues and bone structures undergo changes that can cause wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss. Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, a specialist plastic surgeon in Melbourne, can help address these issues with a tailored facial assessment to meet your unique characteristics and expectations.

During your assessment, Dr Rodrigo will evaluate your facial signs of ageing, such as skin sagging, deepening of fold lines, and fat displacement. He will also consider volume changes, including fatty tissue deflation and bone resorption, which can make supporting surfaces hollow.

Based on this evaluation, Dr Rodrigo will discuss suitable treatment options to help you make an informed decision. He can perform a range of facial surgery and techniques, including meloplasty (facelifts), browplasty (brow lifts), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and dermal fillers, to achieve the best possible result.

Non-surgical procedures

Non Surgical Procedures

Non-surgical procedures are becoming increasingly popular for those seeking minimal downtime and scarring. Radiofrequency, thread lifting, and laser treatments are marketed as effective options with immediate results, but they cannot replicate the quality and longevity of a meloplasty (facelift).

However, they can be complementary to surgical procedures, such as laser treatment to improve skin texture and pigmentation. Before surgery, it is important to prepare your skin with a skincare routine to improve skin quality. If you have had previous injectables, excessive or misplaced fillers may require correction with filler dissolving enzymes before surgery. Note that not all types of fillers can be dissolved.

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira is a specialist plastic surgeon in Melbourne who can assess your unique characteristics and expectations to determine suitable treatment options for you.

Non Surgical Procedures

Meloplasty (Facelift) Surgery

A meloplasty (facelift) aims to achieve a more defined technique that attempts to achieve the best results while minimising any signs that a surgical procedure has been performed. For those seeking the most advanced and natural results, a deep plane meloplasty (deep plane facelift) may be the best option. This technique involves dissection of the deeper layer of tissue beneath the SMAS layer, allowing for greater control and precision in reshaping the face.

Meloplasty (facelift) plastic surgery offers profound and long lasting results and may include other areas on the face for a comprehensive treatment, such as browplasty (brow lift), autologous fat grafting, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhytidectomy (neck lift), neck corset and submentoplasty (double chin). A meloplasty (facelift) must also address the aesthetic concepts of improving shape and bringing out the aspects of the face that existed during youth. A good meloplasty (facelift) is made to measure. It takes into account how you aged, the anatomy of your face and, most importantly, your goals.

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira is a facial surgery expert highly experienced in deep plane meloplasty (facelift) and will perform a facial assessment taking into consideration your unique characteristics and your expectations. He will discuss suitable treatment options to help you make an informed decision on what works best for you.

Browplasty (Brow Lift) And Temporal Lift

As we age, the effects of gravity and the loss of skin elasticity can cause the eyebrows to sag, leading to a diminished appearance. A browplasty, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that can lift the eyebrows to a higher position, obtain more symmetry and smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.

There are different techniques for performing a browplasty (brow lift), including endoscopic and open approaches. The endoscopic brow lift involves making small incisions and using an endoscope to adjust the muscles and ligaments beneath the skin. Open approaches may use incisions hidden along the hairline or behind it.

In addition to the traditional browplasty (brow lift), there are also other procedures that can address other areas of the upper face, such as the temples (temporal lift) and the endoscopic vertical lift of the upper and mid face, originally described as ponytail lift. The temporal lift targets the outer corners of the eyebrows and can be performed with shorter incisions, while the ponytail lift is a small scar procedure that uses small incisions hidden within the hairline.

If you are bothered by sagging eyebrows, wrinkles on the forehead or frown lines between the eyebrows, a browplasty (brow lift) or other upper face procedures may be right for you. Consult with a specialist plastic surgeon to determine which technique would best suit your individual needs and goals.

Lip Lift

Lip Lift Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

As we age, our lips can lose volume and shape, and the skin and ligaments around the mouth can loosen, causing the lips to elongate and drop. A lip lift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to decrease the philtrum, or the distance between the nose and upper lip.


This relatively safe elective procedure has several benefits, including making the upper lip look bigger and more pronounced, restoring proportion and balance to the lips, and exposing more of the upper teeth to enhance smiling.

A lip lift can also reshape the cupid’s bow to look curvier and enhance the definition or outline of the lips. It is important to note that excessive use of lip fillers can distort the shape and contour of the lips and hide the teeth, even in younger clients. In some cases, a combination of techniques may be needed to rectify the negative effects of dermal fillers.

If you are considering a lip lift, it’s essential to consult with a specialist plastic surgeon who can provide informed advice on the various techniques available.

Facial Autologous Fat Grafting

Fat grafting, also known as autologous fat transfer, is a surgical procedure that involves transferring viable fat tissue from one part of the body to another for aesthetic or reconstructive purposes. During the procedure, fat is harvested from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or inner knees through lipoplasty (liposuction), processed for purification, and then moved to the desired treatment area. Surgeons can now tailor the fat graft to the procedure, creating different consistencies or viscosities for various applications.

Facial contouring with autologous fat grafting offers a range of benefits that make it an option for those looking to enhance their facial features. The procedure provides natural-looking and long-lasting results, with versatility and customisation to suit individual needs. Unlike dermal fillers, facial autologous fat grafting is a more permanent solution to volume loss in the face while also offering regenerative properties. In addition, the procedure is minimally invasive, with simultaneous body contouring as an added benefit.

Recovery after facial autologous fat grafting is a relatively straightforward process that involves managing temporary side-effects and following post-operative care instructions. With autologous fat grafting, patients can expect not only enhanced facial features but also improved skin health and appearance.

Overall, facial contouring with autologous fat grafting is a natural and minimally invasive approach to facial rejuvenation. Whether you’re looking to enhance specific features or restore lost volume, fat grafting can provide long-lasting and regenerative results that are tailored to your individual needs.

Submentoplasty (Double Chin)

Double chin is a common cosmetic concern where a layer of fat forms below the chin. This can be caused by a variety of factors such as age, genetics, weight gain, and poor posture. People may develop a double chin differently, and the severity can vary. Fortunately, there are various cosmetic treatments available to help reduce or eliminate the appearance of a double chin. These treatments can range from non-surgical options like Kybella and CoolSculpting to surgical procedures such as lipoplasty (liposuction) and rhytidectomy (neck lift).

Chin liposuction is an option for those with superficial fat pads under the chin. Those with deep fat pads under the muscles or marked muscle bands in the front of the neck may require a neck corset plication for under chin tightening. For patients with good skin quality and moderate excess skin, a neck corset alone may be effective.

Neck Rhytidectomy (Neck Lift)

A rhytidectomy of the neck, or neck lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the neck by addressing concerns such as sagging skin, muscle laxity, and excess fat. One technique commonly used in neck lift procedures is neck corset muscle plication, which involves tightening the muscles in the neck to provide a more defined and toned appearance. Another technique is lateral neck platysmaplasty, or extended SMAS lift, which addresses the muscles on the sides of the neck for a more comprehensive result.

A neck lift can also be combined with a lower face meloplasty ( facelift) for more profound changes. This technique treats the midface, lower face, and neck simultaneously. The results of a neck lift are typically long-lasting.

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Things to consider before facial surgery

Dr Rodrigo Teixeira Prepare For Surgery

Are you considering cosmetic facial surgery? While the idea of enhancing your appearance and regaining your youthful glow may be appealing, it’s important to consider a few things before going under the knife. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Research the Surgeon: Do your due diligence and research the surgeon’s credentials, experience, and reputation. Look for reviews from previous patients, and make sure the surgeon is registered with the appropriate medical board.

Set Realistic Expectations: Cosmetic surgery can enhance your appearance, but it won’t make you look like a completely different person. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand the limitations of the procedure.

Consider the Recovery Process: Cosmetic facial surgery requires a recovery period, which can vary depending on the extent of the procedure. Make sure you have a realistic understanding of what to expect during the recovery process and plan accordingly.

Understand the Risks: Like any surgery, cosmetic facial surgery carries risks such as bleeding, infection, and complications from anaesthesia. Make sure you understand the potential risks and discuss them with your surgeon.

Have a Support System:

Cosmetic facial surgery can be a major life event, and having a support system can make a big difference in your recovery. Make sure you have family or friends who can provide emotional support during the process.

By considering these factors before undergoing cosmetic facial surgery, you can ensure that you are making an informed decision and setting realistic expectations for your results. Remember, the goal of cosmetic surgery should not be to completely change who you are.

Finding your Facial Surgeon

If you’re considering Facial surgery, finding the right surgeon is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome. Here are some tips for finding a qualified and experienced surgeon:

Research credentials: Look for a surgeon who is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and has extensive experience in plastic surgery of the face. 

Schedule a consultation: Once you have identified potential surgeons, schedule a consultation to meet with them in person. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns and to get a sense of the surgeon’s approach to facial surgery. Dr Rodrigo offers personalised consultations to discuss each patient’s unique goals and expectations.

Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the surgeon’s experience, training, and approach to facial surgery. Your surgeon should be able to answer your questions to help you make an informed decision about your surgery.

Look for personalised care: A good surgeon will take the time to understand your unique needs and goals and will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan. Dr Rodrigo and his team are committed to providing personalised care and support to each patient, from the initial consultation through the recovery process.

By following these tips and working with a skilled and experienced specialist facial surgeon like Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, you can achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you desire while ensuring a safe and successful surgical experience.

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Finding your Facial surgeon

If you’re considering Facial surgery, finding the right surgeon is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome. Here are some tips for finding a qualified and experienced surgeon:

Research credentials: Look for a surgeon who is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and has extensive experience in plastic surgery of the face. 

Schedule a consultation: Once you have identified potential surgeons, schedule a consultation to meet with them in person. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns and to get a sense of the surgeon’s approach to facial surgery. Dr Rodrigo offers personalised consultations to discuss each patient’s unique goals and expectations.

Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the surgeon’s experience, training, and approach to facial surgery. Your surgeon should be able to answer your questions to help you make an informed decision about your surgery.

Look for personalised care: A good surgeon will take the time to understand your unique needs and goals and will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan. Dr Rodrigo and his team are committed to providing personalised care and support to each patient, from the initial consultation through the recovery process.

By following these tips and working with a skilled and experienced specialist facial surgeon like Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, you can achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you desire while ensuring a safe and successful surgical experience.

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